Testnet Update

Testnet Update

Greetings Insurgents! This article will cover some of the key details of the impending 3xcaliSwap Incentivized Testnet.

Gated Testnet Recap

Thank you so much to everyone who has participated in the first cycle of our closed testnet. We invited our community members to join the testnet if they had done any of the below:

  • You participated in The Holy Grail Quest (and successfully submitted an address)
  • You participated in the XCAL Discounted Community Round (and did not withdraw)
  • You participated in the XCAL Public Round

Our first week into our testnet and the response from the community has been phenomenal.

The 3six9 Collective has been impressed by the quality of submissions and enjoyed identifying/solving issues with the community. We really appreciate all the feedback so far and the team is working on optimizing some elements of the frontend to create a better user experience.

We are certainly on track for our mainnet release of 3xcaliSwap which we are very excited about.

Known Issues List:

Check our public known issues list to keep track of your submissions and our ongoing tickets.

Please note if you report a known issue, you will not be eligible for a bounty.

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Gated Testnet Cycle 2

Now we will be initiating a new testnet cycle!


  • Gated for first come first serve
  • The First 369 users to submit their wallet addresses to be whitelisted

How to participate?

All you need to do, is submit the wallet address that you wish to be added to the whitelist. Batch 2 will start in the next few days.

Navigate to #apply-for-testnet-cycle-2 channel in the Testet HQ Category.

Click Submit Wallet Address. And submit your address!

Our team will then whitelist your address, so you can use it to participate in testing the product.



Contract severity channels are for bugs which are related to the contracts (backend) only, not front-end issues (UI/UX).

  • All reporting will be done in the 3xcalibur Discord Server.
  • There will be 5 channels in a category that will be labeled "#3xcaliSwap-testnet" these channels will be:-
  • #contract-low-severity: low severity bugs
  • #contract-medium-severity: medium severity bugs
  • #contract-critical-severity: critical severity
  • #uiux-bugs: UI/UX related bugs
  • #testnet-general: general testnet feedback

Bug Submissions

  1. To submit a bug, navigate to the Testnet HQ Category in our Discord. Choose a severity channel for the bug, click on "Submit Bug".

2. Fill out the form.

3. After you have submitted a form. A private channel with you and the team will be opened up for your 'ticket' / bug submission. Here, we will manage the bug report and potential bounty.

Getting Testnet ETH

Use one of the following faucets to get Ethereum Goerli Testnet ETH, then bridge to Arbitrum Goerli.

Bridge Ethereum Goerli ETH to Arbitrum Goerli using https://bridge.arbitrum.io/ Use https://chainlist.org/ to add the "Arbitrum Görli" network (ChainID `421613`).

Drip directly on Arbitrum Goerli using https://developer.offchainlabs.com/getting-started-users#get-some-native-currenc (Nitro Goerli Rollup).

Testnet ERC20 Tokens Faucet: https://testnet.3xcalibur.com/faucet

3xcalibur Guides:

Using the Protocol - 3six9 Innovatio


The 3xcalibur Protocol is a permissionless, liquidationless, oracleless liquidity marketplace, powered by Tri-AMM architecture to facilitate stableswaps, variable swaps and borrowing/lending.

The Tri-AMM architecture makes 3xcalibur a highly-capable and modular automated market maker.


Follow our official social media accounts and visit our website to stay up to date with everything 3xcalibur.

Twitter | Discord | Website



Be careful of fake Telegram groups, Discord servers and Twitter accounts trying to impersonate 3xcalibur. Only use our official links and make sure to crosscheck.