3xcaliSwap Incentivized Testnet

This article will go cover the 3xcaliSwap Incentivized Testnet and various details to keep in mind as you participate.

3xcaliSwap Incentivized Testnet

Greetings Insurgents!

This article will go cover the 3xcaliSwap Incentivized Testnet and various details to keep in mind as you participate.


  • All reporting will be done in the 3xcalibur Discord Server.
  • There will be 5 channels in a category that will be labeled "#3xcaliSwap-testnet" these channels will be:

    - #contract-low-severity: low severity bugs
    - #contract-medium-severity: medium severity bugs
    - #contract-critical-severity: critical severity
    - #uiux-bugs: UI/UX related bugs
    - #testnet-general: general testnet feedback

Contract severity channels are for bugs which are related to the contracts (backend) only, not front-end issues (UI/UX).


  • This channel is for disclosures that users classify as of low severity.
  • This channel is solely for disclosures.
  • Users will not be allowed to post more than 3 times every 24 hours in this channel.
  • No discussions are allowed in this channel (users who start discussions will be timed out from the discord or kicked after repetitive offenses).


  • This channel is for disclosures that users classify as of medium severity.
  • This channel is solely for disclosures.
  • Users will not be allowed to post more than 3 times every 24 hours in this channel.
  • No discussions are allowed in this channel (users who start discussions will be timed out from the discord or kicked after repetitive offenses.


  • This channel is for disclosures that users classify as of critical severity.
  • This channel is solely for disclosures.
  • Users will not be allowed to post more than 3 times every 24 hours in this channel.
  • No discussions are allowed in this channel (users who start discussions will be timed out from the discord or kicked after repetitive offenses.


  • This channel is solely for UI/UX disclosures of any kind.
  • This channel is solely for disclosures.
  • Users will not be allowed to post frequently in this channel as long as they are disclosures.
  • No discussions are allowed in this channel (users who start discussions will be timed out from the discord or kicked after repetitive offenses.


  • This channel will the channel used for general discussions about the testnet.
  • Users can post as much as they want in this channel.

Participants must follow the rules laid out here religiously or you will be deemed ineligible for any rewards.

Reporting Template

  1. Discord Username
  2. Report Number
  3. Disclosure Date and Time
  4. Bug
  5. Supporting media
  6. Severity
  7. Suggested Remedy

Discord Username

  • You must begin your report with your discord username.

Report Number

  • If it is your first report you would use the number "1", if it is your second you would use the number "2", if it is your third you would use the number "3" and so on.

Disclosure Date and Time

  • Make sure to include the date and time (in UTC) of your report.


  • Your disclosure should be concise and straight to the point and explain exactly what issue you faced in the form of a long-form paragraph.

Supporting Media

  • If you wish to include supporting media to supplement your disclosure - make sure to upload it to google drive and add the link in your message.
  • Files that are not hosted on google drive will NOT be opened.


  • Make sure to add he severity threshold in your disclosure.
  • There are three severity thresholds - Low, Medium and critical.
  • You are free to decide which threshold your disclosure falls in but the team has sole discretion over whether your disclosure does meet that threshold or now.

Suggested Remedy

  • If you have ideas or suggestions on how a certain issue can be resolved make sure to add it in your report.
  • If you do not have any suggestions - just leave the area blank.

Note: When you have found a bug and are ready to report. Please make sure that you are first able to reproduce the bug (test multiple times) before submitting.

Bug Submissions

  1. To submit a bug, navigate to the Testnet HQ Category in our Discord. Choose a severity channel for the bug, click on "Submit Bug".

2. Fill out the form.

3. After you have submitted a form. A private channel with you and the team will be opened up for your 'ticket' / bug submission. Here, we will manage the bug report and potential bounty.

Joining the Testnet


In order to participate in the 3xcaliSwap Testnet you must meet the eligibility criteria, which is:

  • You participated in The Holy Grail Quest (and successfully submitted an address)
  • You participated in the XCAL Discounted Community Round (and did not withdraw)
  • You participated in the XCAL Public Round

If you participated in any of the above, then your address is white listed.  

Prospective participants who do not meet the criteria above will not be able to access the 3xcaliSwap testnet.



  • In order to use the testnet you will be required to login in by connecting the wallet that you submitted in The Holy Grail quest or the wallet that you participated with in either the XCAL DCR or Public Round.


  • When the testnet begins there will be a guide that touches on what is in this articles already but expands it by giving clear details as to what tasks/activities users should perform on the Dapp.
  • There will be videos showing users how to navigate the Dapp and how to perform certain tasks.
  • Participants are not only limited to doing the tasks we lay out but may also explore the Dapp by their own accord.


The 3xcaliSwap Testnet will constitute of three types of rewards:

  • XCAL rewards for code related disclosure.
  • USDC rewards for UI/UX rewards (with a maximum threshold of 100 USDC per disclosure.

Bug Classification Rubric:

Low-severity (this is annoying):

  • Major functionality is affected but there's a workaround.
  • Partial loss of functionality, not affecting the majority of users.
  • UI/UX not correct logic to complete user action.

Example: Something moves when it shouldn’t, User experience or flow is negatively impacted by X.

Medium-severity (partial blocker):

  • Major functionality is affected and no reasonable workaround exists.
  • Dapp is experiencing severe performance degradation for most/all users.

Example: User cannot perform expected functionality, User can't enter a value, User has issues that will affect them using the Dapp, Data is not showing correctly.

Critical-severity (War Room, Loss of funds):

  • Action may cause loss of user funds.
  • Application crashes or becomes unusable.
  • Results in downtime.
  • A security vulnerability has come to our attention.

Example: These ones are pretty obvious, mostly smart contract vulnerabilities.


  • Small mostly cosmetic changes that need to be made.

Example: wrong font being used, CTAs are not matching on two different screens.


  • General product feedback for how to improve and optimize the user experience. No submission is necessary, feedback n the channel is sufficient.

Example: High-level general product feedback, with actionable outcome.

Bounty Matrix:

  • Contract based bounties will be paid out in $XCAL. Each reported bug will be reviewed by the team on a case by case basis.
  • For general and UI/UX bugs will be paid out in USDC, 100 USDC max amount per bug.
  • First come first serve for bug pay outs.

Max payout available for bug based on severity and likelihood for contract-related bugs. Contract bugs are only viewed as valid if they result in loss of user funds.

Getting Testnet ETH

Use one of the following faucets to get Ethereum Goerli Testnet ETH, then bridge to Arbitrum Goerli.

Bridge Ethereum Goerli ETH to Arbitrum Goerli using https://bridge.arbitrum.io/ Use https://chainlist.org/ to add the "Arbitrum Görli" network (ChainID `421613`).  

Drip directly on Arbitrum Goerli using https://developer.offchainlabs.com/getting-started-users#get-some-native-currenc (Nitro Goerli Rollup).

Testnet ERC20 Tokens Faucet: https://testnet.3xcalibur.com/faucet

Known Issues:

Below are known issues that we are aware of and currently in the process of fixing.

  • Sitewide: When a coin is selected the dropdown arrow disappears. It should stay visible.
  • Sitewide: The input for inputting balances has issues with backspace and overwriting/updating values
  • Sitewide: Scrolling within dropdowns (ex. Vote) scrolls entire page, closes the dropdown
  • Sitewide: Not all tables refresh automatically after updates/operations
  • Govern -> Vest: Upon tx confirmation of lock, card should close down.
  • Govern -> Vest -> Combine: Combined veNFTs give cryptic error that it's not possible to lock until tx attempted
  • Govern -> Claim: User can execute multiple claim requests before table refreshes
  • Govern -> Claim: Errors show up intermittently when redeeming expired locks


Cycle 1: 7 days (The length of subsequent cycles will be decided in due time)

The 3six9 collective is very dedicated to our building philosophy. We really hope that you will join us on this journey.

Semper Ad Meliora

If you have any questions/feedback/ideas - feel free to raise them on any one of our social channels and we will happily engage.

Thank you for reading Insurgent!


The 3xcalibur Protocol is a permissionless, liquidationless, oracleless liquidity marketplace, powered by Tri-AMM architecture to facilitate stableswaps, variable swaps and borrowing/lending.

The Tri-AMM architecture makes 3xcalibur a highly-capable and modular automated market maker.


Follow our official social media accounts and visit our website to stay up to date with everything 3xcalibur.

Twitter | Discord | Website



Be careful of fake Telegram groups, Discord servers and Twitter accounts trying to impersonate 3xcalibur. Only use our official links and make sure to crosscheck.